Just a quick update


Linen, merino wool, a vintage doily and a hoop plus inspiration from Wuthering Heights and this is what I have so far. I need to paint some more of the sky and add a windswept tree but am having a break so I can look at it with fresh eyes later. I didn’t think I would knit with the wool.

Secret Knitting Santa


My gorgeous knitting gift from Pippa . I love the colours and can’t wait to wear my lovely hat and mittens, although it’s very mild here today in North Devon. I am not a knitter and I am attempting badly to crochet, so these lovely wools will help keep me going. There were also some lovely embroidery threads which are now in my stash and a hot chocolate kit which was consumed before any photos were taken.

I am always  amazed how thoughtful the secret Santa gifts are and I love the element of surprise. It helps to inspire creativity too and the gorgeous merino wool is making me think of heather and so possibly may end up in one of my embroidery pieces. We will have to wait and see.

Secret Stitching Santa

I was very lucky to receive two beautiful secret santas, one stitching and one knitting. I am going to blog about my stitching one here as I have already made something from the goodies in the box. I absolutely lived both of them and the thought that went into both but I am not a knitter and am trying to crochet, so those gifts will help me continue to try!

Going back to my sewing gift. I received some gorgeous vintage doilies, DMC threads, buttons, some lovely handmade decorations and gifts, chocolate, a pattern, a booklet and some fabric. I have not decided what to make with that yet but the floral pattern is saying quilt to me, so we will have to wait and see. The doilies and the booklet called to me instantly and so I began an embroidery -and yes Cathy those colours suit my palette beautifully – using only things from my gift apart from a hoop. I then did add a button from my sons vintage button gift and a brown thread from my collection to finish the piece.

I love the colours and how a jar of pieces of ribbon and fabric inspired me to make this. The design in the book jumped out at me and then I just stitched where I wanted until it was finished. The colours are more rich than my photography skills show.

I already have a floral one ready to sew but need another hoop so it’s sitting waiting for me to add stitchery. Can’t wait and thank you Cathy for my gifts and Sheila’s   #stitchingsanta  for the chance to take part again.



my poem with no title

There are no words to describe the joy
Of discovering the conception of your baby.
Tears of amazement, checking more than once,
Phone calls asking is it it a yes, no, maybe,
To relatives too far away to see blue lines.
The tears of pride of the grandparents to be
As we drunk a toast to the first born grandchild
With an just an orange juice for me.

A scan to see the tiny speck of a growing child,
Bobbing around like a miniature toy spaceman.
Grand dad was home when I popped in for tea
Granny to be was out so a weekend visit was the plan.
A phone call to say how are you, are you visiting
And a memory of putting the receiver down,
Pausing as I realised I didn’t say Love You.
Life took over and gone was the temporary frown.

A second call that evening as the world crumbled under my feet,
We need you at the hospital, mum’s been taken ill
The longest journey on the Northern line, time slowed down,
And all the time a panic swelled in me, ready to spill
Out in tears of what’s happened amongst agonisingly long minutes.
Then we could finally see her after scans and tubes and care
In ICU on life support and the green bleeping lines of life
Clinging on in a body of a person no longer there.

So a new life beginning, a young life snuffed out,
A grief not fully relinquished, a new joy, bitter sweet
The burdens of motherhood and of being a reason to live,
To get out of bed in the morning as my baby needed to eat.
And as he grows I see her in him, the floppy hair and lovely grin
I think how she would of spoilt him, taken him to the park
Made him listen to Motown whilst cooking Sunday dinner
Singing along so badly that dogs would howl and bark.

Amazing how your life can change in a week,
The best moment followed by the worst
That’s going to be a hard week to beat.
And as the 15th anniversary approaches
Of the joy and heartache of life
I’ll raise a glass of barcardi, Change my FB photo too
And think of you Sitting on the Dock of the Bay
With Purple rinses, like we planned to do.

I found this poem I wrote just over two years ago and I had forgotten about. I don’t usually share my poems as they are very personal, few and far between and not very good. This one made me feel proud and after a lot of thought, it’s here for you to share. Cherish your loved ones this Holiday as it could be your last and then enjoy yourself as others before you would want you too.

Dress update

So far it took me a whole day to cut out and sew two pieces together, as our boiler decided to breakdown half way through Sunday leaving us temporarily with no electric and for three – four days with no heating. Brilliant.

Also I had lots to cut out with the main dress in satin, the lining and the lace yoke all challenging me for whose hardest to cut out! 22 pieces for the main dress and lining alone.

On Monday I managed to sew the main dress together, alter parts, unpick parts and inserted the zip so now you can see a dress. Tonight will be the lining and boning, which I have never used. It’s a repeat of the main dress with some extra seams for the boning. I may even get onto the yoke. Hopefully.

Please excuse the photos but it’s dark and grey here in Devon and our light is rather yellow toned. Photography is not my strong point so I shall stick to the sewing.

Making a dress, quick!

I am a leisurely sewer. I don’t like to rush and normally have lots of time to finish a project. I only make clothes for me and my latest one is a dress. I have the paper pattern cut out . I have the notions and fabric I need. What I don’t have is time. I have today and an odd few hours in the week. And my work party is on Friday. Will it help my sewing get faster? Will I be wearing my gorgeous fitted satin and lace dress on Friday? Will I know how to sew a princess seam by tonight?

Who knows but I am going to have fun trying. See you later, maybe.
