Dandelion wishes

Here is a little embroidery I finished today. image

The lace fabric top I was putting in recycling, made me think of dandelion clocks and so I recycled it and made this small embroidered piece. I think it would make a lovely book cover or framed picture. What do you think? If you head over to my Facebook  page, your idea could win this piece to keep. Good luck.

A Cranberry and Ice Delphine

I have asked for Love at First Stitch for my birthday on Tuesday and love a line skirts so this may be my first make. Excited is an understatement and this blog by navybluethreads has added to my excitement!



Despite the irony of it being three weeks into my Dry January and subscribing to a weekly, organic fruit and vegetable box for the same amount of time, I’ve been feeling more ill than I have done for years, the last few days. 😦 We’ve all been struck down with a horrible, wheezy-chesty-flu like bug. Still, much though I’ve barely ventured from the house I have managed to slowly sew up a Tilly and the ButtonsDelphine. And I’m counting it as a drinks theme over at The Monthly Stitch, hence the title.

I’ve made a fair few of these in the past, so this was a nice, easy introduction into the New Year. The fabric was interesting though. It was a bargain find from a local, charity shop, presumably the off-cut from a Winter coat. I think it’s some kind of tweedy -wool-like fabric and it…

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All your need is love

If you would like something different for Valentines, then take a look at my hearts. For a limited time there is free UK p&p and they are also ideal for Mothers Day. Let me know the colour you would like and I will make to order. Why not get one in your loved ones favourite colour?  Available Here

Exeter Embroiderers’ Guild

I have finally found the courage to step out into the world of the Embroiderers’ Guild, after years of thinking I should take a look but, as an introvert who seeks solitude, stepping into a room on my own of strangers is extremely brave. I usually have an ally – my husband – who is much better at talking, keeping conversation going and just introducing us to new people. He is just not into embroidery, so painfully shy introvert me had to be strong!

I meet so many lovely people, sorry I can’t remember all your  names, and truly felt welcome from the start. I got to try wooden block printing and was amazed at the gorgeous and varied work that developed over the session. If you live in Devon and love embroidery, take a look. I will certainly be going back, armed with my membership fee and hopefully to meet and build up my relationships with these very talented ladies. I just need to be brave and remember,


Sewing jewellery

I am an avid stitcher and adore beads so could not resist making these lovely hand sewn beaded rings.


I love the seed bead colours particularly in the pink one even though I usually prefer blue. Unfortunately I have extremely small hands and so you can find them in my Etsy shop, SewingNikki.




Thank you #stitchingsantas

I have a confession to make. I have lost the card from my sewing secret Santa and can not remember the name on the card but I do love Ginger thank you! Please comment so I can thank you properly.

I have Sharon’s card from creativityandfamily and I loved all my presents, especially the lovely bag with added stitch counting charms and the vintage buttons.

Here are a few photos of my lovely group of goodies from my sewing and knitting secret Santas.

The lovely hand made ornaments from Sharon were on my tree and are now packed away for next year. I have material on order for the Ginger skirt. I love making skirts and need to wear more so I can keep making them! I love the pointed centre version and have some lovely dark purple corduroy on the way. My first new dress making project of the year. The lovely grey wool is possibly going into a stormy sky for and a freestyle embroidery idea I have. This will have to wait as I already have a sunflower to make. I love felt and it’s one of my favourite fabrics to use, so will definitely come in handy. I will crochet and try beyond a rectangle this year and the counter charms will help as I am forever losing count and am quiet hopeless at counting the stitches for knitting or crochet. It’s probably why I prefer embroidery and sewing. Count over ten and I start to lose track!!!

There was also a poppy red scarf, a notebook and a lovely crochet book in my gorgeous gifts. It really was a lovely project to take part in and I would recommend taking part next time. Thanks again Sheila for organising everything.

Happy New Year to you all.